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Les Justes parmi les nations de la Région Rh?ne-Alpes : Etude prosopographique
Thèse en Histoire, Histoire religieuse politique et culturelle soutenue le 4 décembre 2015.
What a heterogeneous population that the Righteous among the nations of Rh?ne-Alpes and, by this way, little comprehensible! If they don’t embody all the situations of the rescue, the Righteous enlighten, only because they do exist, a piece of the civilian Resistance under the Occupation. These people belong to an unusual region, as fated for the welcome. Its various landscapes led to the experiment of all the types of tourism. This practicing country is also the ground of new religious experiences and the cradle of the Christian democracy. The appeal of this crossroads strengthens under the Occupation with the arrival of exiles, Jews in particular, who try to take back their former life. The raids of the summer 1942 make suddenly the help to the pursued people a question of survival. Moved by common values, encouraged by the clerics who surround them, people mobilize. Thus real networks of support arise, transforming villages into sanctuaries, common people into heroes.
Mots-clés : catholicisme social/ démocratie-chrétienne/ dialogue interreligieux/ movement de jeunesse/ philosémitisme/ antijuda?sme/ communauté juive/ statut/ rafle/ comité de soutien/ Juste parmi les Nations/ résistance civile/ falsification/ planque/ passage de frontière/ altruisme/ risque/ réseau
Keywords : social Cahtolicism/ Christian Democracy/ youth movement/ interreligious dialogue/ philosemitism/ antijudaism/ the Jewish community/ Jewish statutes/ roundup/ support committee/ Righteous among the Nations/ civilian resistance/ forgery/ hideout/ smuggling/ altruism/ risk/ network
Membres du jury :
- Patrick CABANEL, Professeur des universités, Université Toulouse-Le Mirail
- Jacques SEMELIN, Professeur des universités, IEP de Paris
- Annette BECKER, Professeur des universités, Paris X
- Laurent DOUZOU, Professeur des universités, IEP de Lyon
- Christian SORREL, Professeur des universités, Université Lumière Lyon II
- Jean-Dominique DURAND, Professeur des universités, émérite, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Président du jury : Annette BECKER
Mention : Très honorable avec les félicitations
Equipe d'accueil : LARHRA