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Association de la norme technique à l'innovation. ?tude de droit de la propriété intellectuelle et de droit de la concurrence
Thèse en Droit mention Droit des affaires soutenue le 2 décembre 2015.
Technical standards may sometimes be associated to innovations covered by proprietary rights. In this case, intellectual property appears to embody a quite disturbing component within the partnership between standardization and innovation. We are thus led to analyse the association economy ; it must be construed as of the creation and the use of the standard rather than to insist on its sole technical aspects. In order to avoid the corruption of the standard by over-restrictive IP rights, standard-setting-organizations require that only "essential" proprietary rights can be associated to a technical standard. Economical and technical criterias of the mutual adherence of the technical standard and the owned innovation – structuring their association – justify in the name of its "social utility", a mutual adaptation of their legal regimes. Therefore, the technical standard’s "social utility" requires an adaptation of the IP rights legal regime. Symmetrically, the essential innovation, included in the standard, requires its fitting to the technical standards legal regime. This results in the rise of two regimes naturally interpenetrated, and structurally interdependent. On the one hand, IP rights "essential" to the standard, can be considered as "essential facilities", justifying a systematic erosion of their spectrum. As part of competition rules implementation, this erosion results from an ex post approach as well as an ex ante approach conceptualized by FRAND terms. On the other hand, the association is also evaluated through the private property perspective. It appears that the technical standard should be considered as a "common", assuming a free access and a free use. It contributes to create a right of use of the owned innovations integrated in technical standard.
Mots-clés : Mots cle?s : proprie?te? intellectuelle, normes techniques, standards de fait, organismes de normalisation, interope?rabilite?, facilite?s essentielles, conditions FRAND, ? utilite? sociale ?, patent pool, abus de position dominante, ententes, exceptio standardis
Keywords : intellectual property, standards, standard-setting-organization, interoperability, essential facilities, FRAND terms, "social utility", patent pool, antitrust, exceptio standardis.
Directeur de thèse : Edouard TREPPOZ
Membres du jury :
- Anne PENNEAU, Professeur des universités, Université de Paris XIII
- Fabrice SIIRIAINEN, Professeur des universités, Université de Nice
- Jean-Michel BRUGUIERE, Professeur des universités, Université de Grenoble
- Cyril NOURISSAT, Professeur des universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- Edouard TREPPOZ, Professeur des universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Président du jury : Cyril NOURISSAT
Mention : Très honorable avec les félicitations
Equipe d'accueil : EDIEC